New Monetization policy -YouTube Made It Easy to Earn

earning money on YouTube - Crazy Tutorial

 Welcome to Crazy Tutorial! Today, we'll be discussing one of the most popular topics on the internet - how to earn money on YouTube. With over 2 billion monthly active users and more than one billion hours of video watched every day, YouTube has become a prime platform for content creators to showcase their talent and make money in the process.

earning money on YouTube
earning money on YouTube

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of how you can start earning money on YouTube, the different ways you can monetize your content, and some tips and tricks to help you maximize your earnings.

How to Earn on YouTube!

Create Quality Content

The first and most important step to earning money on YouTube is creating quality content. It's essential to make sure your videos are informative, entertaining, and engaging. Your content should also be unique, which means it should provide value to your viewers that they can't find anywhere else.

Build Your Audience

The second step is to build your audience. This means creating content that will attract and retain viewers. You can achieve this by optimizing your videos for search engines, creating a strong brand identity, and engaging with your audience on social media.

Monetize Your Content

Once you have a substantial audience, you can start monetizing your content. YouTube offers several ways to monetize your videos, including:

a. Ads

YouTube's Partner Program enables creators to monetize their videos through ads. You can earn money from ads that run before, during, or after your video. To participate in the Partner Program, you need to meet YouTube's eligibility requirements, including having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

b. Channel Memberships

Another way to monetize your content is by offering channel memberships. This feature enables viewers to become members of your channel for a monthly fee, providing exclusive access to content, merchandise, and other perks.

c. Super Chat & Super Stickers

Super Chat and Super Stickers are features that enable viewers to pay to have their messages highlighted during live streams. This is an excellent way to monetize live streams and engage with your audience at the same time.

d. Merchandise Shelf

YouTube's merchandise shelf allows creators to showcase their products underneath their videos, making it easier for viewers to purchase merchandise related to your content.

Promote Affiliate Products

Another way to earn money on YouTube is by promoting affiliate products. This involves including affiliate links in your video descriptions, allowing viewers to purchase products through your links. You'll earn a commission for every sale made through your links.


Sponsorships are another way to earn money on YouTube. Companies pay creators to promote their products or services in their videos. To attract sponsorships, you need to have a substantial audience and create quality content that aligns with the sponsor's values.

Patience & Persistence

Finally, earning money on YouTube requires patience and persistence. Building a substantial audience takes time, and monetizing your content won't happen overnight. Consistency is key, and you need to keep creating quality content and engaging with your audience regularly.


Earning money on YouTube is possible, but it requires hard work, dedication, and patience. By following the tips and strategies we've outlined in this article, you can start your journey towards monetizing your content and earning a sustainable income on YouTube. Remember to create quality content, build your audience, and monetize your content through ads, affiliate products, sponsorships, and more.

Thank you for reading our guide on how to earn money on YouTube. We hope you found it helpful and informative. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on social media for more tutorials and guides.


How much money can I make on YouTube?

There is no fixed amount of money you can make on YouTube, as it depends on several factors, including the type of content you create, your audience size, and how you monetize your videos.

How do I monetize my YouTube channel?

You can monetize your YouTube channel by enabling ads, offering channel memberships, promoting affiliate products, getting sponsorships, and using other features provided by YouTube.

Can I monetize my YouTube channel if I have less than 1,000 subscribers?

No, to monetize your YouTube channel, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

Do I need a specific niche to earn money on YouTube?

No, you don't need a specific niche to earn money on YouTube, but it's essential to create content that is unique and valuable to your audience.

How long does it take to start earning money on YouTube?

It can take several months or even years to start earning money on YouTube, as it depends on the size of your audience and the type of content you create.

How do I get sponsorships for my YouTube channel?

To get sponsorships for your YouTube channel, you need to have a substantial audience, create quality content that aligns with the sponsor's values, and reach out to companies that are a good fit for your channel.

Can I earn money on YouTube without ads?

Yes, you can earn money on YouTube without ads by promoting affiliate products, offering channel memberships, getting sponsorships, and using other features provided by YouTube.

Can I use copyrighted music in my YouTube videos?

No, you cannot use copyrighted music in your YouTube videos without permission from the copyright owner, as it violates YouTube's terms of service and can result in your video being removed or your channel being terminated.

How do I grow my YouTube audience?

To grow your YouTube audience, you need to create quality content that is unique and valuable to your audience, optimize your videos for search engines, and engage with your audience on social media.

How often should I upload videos to my YouTube channel?

It's essential to upload videos regularly to your YouTube channel, but the frequency depends on the type of content you create and your audience's preferences. It's recommended to create a schedule and stick to it, whether it's once a week, twice a week, or more.

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